Video Editing Proposal For Upwork | Killer Complete Guide

What is a proposal?

Are you a freelancer who is new to the game? You may be wondering what a proposal is. A proposal is basically your offer to do a job for someone or a piece of concise information. It can be a bid or an estimate, depending on the situation. When you submit a proposal, you are asking to be hired for the job. The person who receives the proposal will then decide if they want to hire you or not. If they do, they will give you more information about the project and how to proceed. If they don’t, it’s back to the drawing board! Knowing how to write proposals that stand out is essential in freelancing – so read on for some tips!

Video Editing Proposal For Upwork

Video Editing Proposal For Upwork

While applying to any job on Upwork the factor which is considered highly by the client is your proposal. If you have structured it properly and customized it according to the requirements of the client then your chances of getting hired increase by 10X!

Today I will narrow down the focus and I will guide you on how to write a video editing proposal for Upwork. I have applied to hundreds of different video editing projects utilizing these techniques. I will walk through you each and every step in detail and what are the mistakes that are commonly made while structuring a video editing proposal for Upwork.

So let’s start the process without any further delay!

1) Intro

The intro or the first two to three lines of your proposal plays a very crucial role in determining whether the client will read your whole proposal or not. So, it is very important to start off your proposal in a way that it grabs the attention of the client rapidly and makes him/her read your proposal to the last.

In the case of a video editing proposal here are a few techniques that you can follow to structure the intro of your proposal.

1) The first thing you can do is to attach your video editing portfolio or more preferably any piece of video content created by you that is related to the requirements of the project. Doing this will create an instant good impression in the client’s eyes that you have done similar work in the past and you are capable enough to complete your client’s this project also.

2) The second thing you can do to grab the attention of your client is to ask questions related to the project. In the first, two to three lines ask about your queries. Doing this will also grab the attention of the client because he/she will think that you are genuinely interested in the job.

3) The third technique is to answer any key question which client has mentioned in the job description. By answering that key question, you will create an impression that you have read the job description up to the last and you genuinely understand the requirements of the project and you are capable enough to complete the project.

2) Strategy

The second aspect to focus on after the intro is your strategy for the video editing project. The one pro tip is to use the bullet points to write your strategy. Tell the client how you will complete the project and what is your approach. Provide solutions to the client. I will not recommend you to write all this in a paragraph instead of it as I stated above use bullet points to write all these things. Writing in bullet points will make it look more organized and clean. It will create a decent impression.

3) Portfolio

Now, the third thing to do is to attach your portfolio. Believe me, attaching your portfolio will help you in a long way in landing video editing projects. You can host your video editing portfolio on Google Drive or Behance. I would personally recommend you to use Behance because it is a proper platform to create your portfolio. It doesn’t cost you a single penny to create your video editing portfolio. I also personally use Behance to host my video editing portfolio.

When it comes to creating a video editing portfolio, the sky’s the limit. You can include anything from your best work to samples of your videos. The crucial thing is to showcase your skills and style in a way that it looks appealing to potential clients. Here are my few tips that would help you greatly:

1. Start by compiling a list of your best work. This could include anything from short films to music videos to commercials. Be sure to include a mix of different genres and styles so that potential clients can see a variety of work.

2. Create a reel that highlights your best work. This is an essential part of any video editor’s portfolio, so be sure to put some time and effort into creating a reel that showcases your strengths.

3. Write a brief summary of your experience and expertise. This is your chance to sell yourself, so be sure to highlight your key skills and experience in a way that will appeal to potential clients.

4. Choose a portfolio format that showcases your work in the best light possible. This could be an online portfolio, a PDF, or even a physical portfolio that you can take with you to meetings and pitches.

5. Keep your portfolio updated with your latest work. As you create new projects, be sure to add them to your portfolio so that potential clients can see your most recent work.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a video editing portfolio that will impress potential clients and help you land the jobs you want.

4) Question

Now the next thing that you would have to write in your proposal is your question. It is good if you have mentioned one or two questions at the start but you also have to mention your questions later in the proposal also. Do not ask too many questions. Only ask those questions which are related to the scope of the work. Again do not forget to use bullet points to ask your question. Do not use paragraph form.

Here are some questions that you can ask in almost any kind of video editing project.

What would be the aspect ratio of the videos?
What kind of effects do you want?
What would be the duration of the video?
How much time can you give me to complete this project?

5) Conclusion

The conclusion is also an important part of your proposal. Always end your proposal in a professional way. You can utilize the following things in the conclusion:-

Ask your client If they have any questions then feel free to contact you.

You can also ask your client for a voice session right away to discuss things and terms in a better way.

Add phrases like “ looking forward to hearing from you” “looking forward to your esteemed response” “Looking forward to doing business with you”

Apart from all these things make sure to complete your Upwork profile and maintain a good JJS.

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into writing a proposal. But by following the tips we’ve given and put in the time to create an excellent proposal, you will be ahead of your competition and more likely to land those lucrative freelance contracts. What other tips would you add for creating proposals? Let us know in the comments below and if you want to ask anything just write an email to me.





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